I offer distant chakra evaluations for people who want to know which chakras are blocked and how to cleanse them.
The Distant Chakra Evaluation can help to:
Would you like to know the quality and quantity of your Life Energy and learn how to awaken and purify your chakras to express more healing, wisdom, love, and joy?
Would you like to learn to be more of a force for good in the world?
Using Clairvoyant Vision, I offer a complete life energy assessment plus a guided Advanced Meditation technique to cleanse and awaken your chakras, body, and energy field, all tailored to your specific energy needs.
People contact me seeking help to heal, balance, and cleanse their energy chakras. For those living beyond New England or prefer not to travel, I offer Distant Chakra Evaluations over the Internet:
For the last thirty years, I have worked with hundreds of people both in person, in Massachusetts and New York City, and all over the world...in Europe, Russia, Africa, Australia, England, Canada, and the US.
Distance sessions, using Skype, WhatsApp, or another service, work just as well as our in-person sessions.
Distant Chakra Evaluations have two parts. First, we thoroughly evaluate clients' life energy in their chakras, body systems and energy fields. Then, I teach clients how to access the healing power within themselves to purify their energy systems, including their chakras. Together, we cleanse their bodies and chakras. After our meeting, clients can continue their healing journey using this easy-to-learn Advanced Meditation technique.
I do not heal others; rather, I help people connect with their own healing and awakening power that is within each one of us.
The Distant Chakra Evaluation session is available to help people pinpoint where they are stuck and begin healing their blocks and expressing more Light and Love in the world.
I offer additional Advanced Meditation sessions for those who want to work with me further. As part of this training, we periodically do a brief distant chakra evaluation to assess the changes in a client's chakras, body, and energy field.
Clairvoyant Perception. With over fifty years of experience working with the tools and techniques of Advanced Meditation, my visual perception has expanded and deepened. I don't need to use pendulums or other devices to evaluate your chakras. I can see them directly.
I can look at a person (even through the Internet) and see what is happening in their chakras, body, and energy field.
As I have moved deeper into my practice of Advanced Meditation and the energies of life, I've helped people to discover and transform their energy blocks. This includes the LightFire methods of Advanced Meditation and, in many cases, deep emotional work to free stuck patterns from their past.
I can see the quantity and quality of life energy within each chakra. More importantly, I can see where your life energy blocks are throughout your body so we can free the energy trapped in them!
A Modern Approach To Transforming Chakras and Body Consciousness. As humans have evolved over the past two thousand years, so have the number and location of our chakras. I perceive more chakras than the seven chakras of traditional Hindu or Tantra systems formulated long ago.
Most people who teach about chakras rely on a few texts written by Westerners that are inaccurate and outdated. I perceive what is going on for a client in the present moment rather than based on a book I've read.
These newer chakras are essential for our current lives. We've evolved considerably in the last 2000 years. At that time, in India, the focus of teachers was to draw awareness upward, into higher consciousness. Today, the focus is primarily from up to down, bringing Light into the world to change things for the better.
For example, our will and its relationship to "Higher Will" was not an issue in the ancient past. The importance of individuality is a relatively modern development, and many of our current problems stem from this. A newer energy chakra is about becoming a force for good and abundance in the world. It is about expressing our unique gifts. As it is purified and awakened, our lives change for the better, and we can influence others to bring more goodness and goodwill into the world.
The first part of the Distant Chakra Evaluation session is a thorough assessment of your body, energy centers, and energy field.
The assessment is not just focused on which chakras are blocked. We look at your whole body and the energy field beyond your body. We look at the aspects of your past that are still affecting you.
Some people are almost entirely shut down due to past wounding or trauma, so that little life energy is expressed from their chakras. Others have a few high-functioning chakras, but the quality of the energy they express is not as pure and positive as it could be, and their relationships may suffer.
Here are some other examples of chakra issues:
Many people are not grounding well, so their energy is not flowing into their legs and the earth. I often find that spiritually oriented folks can have their life energy flowing upward instead of downward, so they are not present in life. This happens so frequently that I recommend a set of exercises to these clients that they can practice first with me and then on their own after the session to bring their life force down into their bodies and into the earth. The physical movements are tied into verbal expressions to bring their power down their legs and feet and deep into the earth.
The Distant Chakra Evaluation can begin a unique journey into deep healing and consciousness expansion. Numerous students who have studied Advanced Meditation with me have learned to identify which chakra or chakras are blocked, purify their chakras, improve their relationships. and bring more Light into their lives and. into the world.
After the assessment part of the session, we begin transforming the chakras, body. and energy field where the client's life energy is obstructed or distorted.
Our old beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world were developed when we were young. These attitudes and perspectives are stored in our bodies in a highly organized pattern, not just in our brains. Many common expressions indicate where we hold onto old beliefs that limit our expression.
Generally, we hold mental issues in our heads and necks, problems with our willpower in the shoulders and upper chest, emotional issues in our chest and abdomen, and grounding or power issues in our legs.
I find body metaphors such as these particularly valuable in understanding and transforming our old, outdated beliefs:
The Inner Light-Fire energy tools of Advanced Meditation help you transform these and other issues in your body and energy field.
After the Distant Chakra Evaluation, I guide each client through an Advanced Meditation to begin changing what we have identified. We work with Inner Light, which is within each of us but mostly untapped. Inner Light reveals our energy blocks in the same way as outer light reveals objects in the dark.
Then, we concentrate the Inner Light, and as it intensifies, it becomes the transforming "Inner Fire." Obstructions to the Light, blockages, start to clear, freeing up stuck energy that was trapped. We feel lighter, larger, and more energized.
Clients often feel immediate relief and a sense of openness and ease.
The Inner Light Fire doesn't harm you but destroys the patterns of beliefs that have trapped or victimized you. The Light works to dismantle energy blocks in your body, centers, and energy field.
As you free yourself from these obstructions, trapped energy and awareness return to you.
It is a step-by-step process of gradually transforming your stuck places and reclaiming your awareness, power, and Light! You feel stronger, healthier, more alert, and more present. And more grounded.
You start to change your old story and become more open to the beauty and freedom available to you.
The initial session is just a start. One gift of the Inner LightFire energy work is that you can continue the process independently. Some clients do become Advanced Meditation students, studying with me to learn new techniques periodically that help them move forward on their life journey with more love, pleasure, and ease.
Our session takes about an hour and 40 minutes to complete. The cost is $250 US. I ask clients to pay beforehand, through PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo.
If you would like to schedule a distant healing energy session to identify which chakras are blocke or have any questions about my work, use the form below to contact me. Let me know your location and possible times (in your time zone) for an appointment. I live in New England and generally have daytime appointments available during the week.
My first choice is to use Skype for our session, and I can send you a link once we've set up a time.
You will need a computer with a video camera, phone, or portable device capable of showing your body standing up.
Jon Terrell, M.A., offers Advanced Meditation at Star Dance Ranch in western Massachusetts and worldwide through the internet. Jon is an expert in energy and emotional healing, and he leads retreats to help people transform grief and other difficult emotions in Massachusetts, Florida and occasionally in California. He is a core faculty member at the Omega Institute. Jon has been teaching the tools and techniques of Advanced Meditation for over 50 years and offering Distant Chakra Evaluations for 20 years. For his full bio go here.
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