Learning Advanced Meditation 
Taught By Jon Terrell, M.A.

Go To 4 Day Introduction To Inner LightFire Meditation

"It is hard now for me to remember what it felt like to be in the state I was before! I feel blessed and incredibly fortunate for my experieces." Suzanne Rush, Laguna Beach, California

"These teachings have increased my sensitivity. The ability to interact with enlightened awareness and to utilize healing energy has transformed my practice and my life at all levels." D. Pfeffer, M.D., New York, NY

Advanced Meditation Retreats are taught at 3-5 day events at Star Dance Ranch in western Massachusetts. We teach a unique type of meditation that combines traditional meditation's restorative and focusing benefits with the healing power of Inner LightFire energy.

This synthesis is what makes it advanced.

No prior meditation experience is required to attend. What makes our work advanced is not the level of past experience needed, but rather the power of Inner LightFire to accelerate healing and awakening. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators, and compliments most other methods.

At our core, we are truly Beings of LightFire, and we can learn to connect with and express this vast resource within us for healing and awakening. That's the promise and gift of this unique form of meditation. As we heal ourselves, we awaken, and as we awaken, we heal from our past. We become balanced, whole, and fully capable of expressing the joy of living in our lives.

Our training program is for those seeking to immerse themselves in learning Advance Meditation. Each retreat is a small group experience (maximum of 10 participants), so there is plenty of opportunity to learn, practice, share your experience, ask questions, and especially experience this method's healing and awakening power.

Many people find meditation, including Advanced Meditation, subtle at first. It was for me! As I practiced it on my own, my experiences gradually increased and became more real to me. I went from wondering if I was imagining an effect to knowing and sensing the changes in my body and mind.

The blocks to experiencing were in my brain, and as I shifted from thinking to sensing, a new world opened up for me. It took some practice for the experiences to be more dramatic and profound. The energy healing part of Advanced Meditation made all the difference, so we have incorporated the energy hands-on work into this training from the beginning. That is why I ask people to attend our retreats in person rather than over the internet or to just read about it. To change ourselves and the world, we need to bring down the changes into our bodies, not just our minds.

Advanced Meditation Is Body Oriented

A.M. is most effective when we bring our bodies along for the ride rather than just our brains.

The story of our lives is written in our bodies, and as we free our bodies with LightFire energy, our story changes, often dramatically.

Carolyn Myss says, "Our biography becomes our biology." With Advanced Meditation, our biology is transformed, freeing vital life energy that was trapped in the old story of the past. We come alive with new options and new directions in our lives. We write a new story for our lives, filled with love, joy, and light.

Training By Jon Terrell, M.A.

Jon Terrell has been teaching this form of meditation and healing for over 50 years. For the past 20 years, he has been leading intensive retreats at Star Dance Ranch, focusing on emotional healing. 

He found that so many of the meditators he had worked with previously were making subjective, internal changes but not living the lives they wanted. Meditation helped them center and feel better, but they were not living the lives they wanted because of their old story, which was often rooted in their early childhood.

As Jon did his own emotional healing, a major shift took place, and an old weight was lifted. Starting in 2000, he began offering deep emotional healing retreats focused on grief and other difficult feelings to hundreds of participants. More recently, he offered retreats for those interested in learning Advanced Meditation. The emotional healing work compliments and grounds the Advanced Meditation skills students learn.

What You Learn In Our Program

Advanced Meditation retreats are for those who seeks to learn and practice Inner LightFire methods.

At each retreat, you will learn practical energy tools and techniques to transform your life in a gradual, safe, and step-by-step manner. 

The retreats are progressive, with each retreat building upon what you learned at the previous one. Everyone starts with the Foundation I retreat. (see below for the content and learning objectives for that retreat.)

At every Advanced Meditation retreat, participants learn techniques they can immediately apply in their lives for healing, improving relationships, personal growth, etc. Although there is a lot of content at each retreat, there is ample opportunity to practice, ask questions, and share your experiences. Everyone learns at their own pace, with ample opportunity to practice the techniques to verify their value.

It's an active form of meditation. To learn about the three types of meditation and why this is an Active Meditation, click on A Brief Guide To Meditation.

Learning Advanced Meditation-Foundation I Retreat

Training Objectives

  • -Learn the core principle upon which this method is based
  • -Learn  and practice the core skills of Inner Light-Fire
  • -Experience five guided meditations over the course of the retreat
  • -Learn Advanced Energy Healing techniques associated with each meditation
  • -Help you establish or re-establish and deepen your meditation practice to receive the numerous benefits of meditation
  • -Provide support for your individual work as part of a like-minded community. The power of a group greatly enhances individual efforts
  • -Learn basic skills for navigating in awareness through your body consciousness to explore your inner landscape
  • -Develop skills to connect with and direct Inner LightFire energy throughout your body consciousness to purify, heal and awaken personality consciousness to Presence 
  • -Teach specific energy and awareness tools for personal growth and practical applications
  • - Connect to limitless pure sources of life-energy within

For Specific Dates Of This Retreat and more information Click Here

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